Qualification: 6 games (entries and re-entries) – top 32 players will qualify for the quarterfinal.
Quarterfinal: 32 players will play 4 games with 50% of the pin fall from the qualification, top 16 will qualify for semifinal.
Semifinal: 16 players will play 3 games from scratch – top 8 players will qaulify for the final A
Final A: 8 players will play a round robin including a position round.
Points will be added to the scores as follows:
- 20 points for a win
- 10 points for a tie
- 10 points for a game of 200 - 249
- 15 points for a game of 250 or higher
The matching of the position round games will be 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8.
Scores and bonus from the position round will be added to the sum of scores and bonus from the first 7 games and the 8 games grand total will decide the final ranking of position 1-8.
Final B: Top 16 unregistered players will play 3 games from scratch.
Handicap: Women handicap and juniors to 15 years - 8 pins per game.